
Beth Coble & Holly Savage

Anadarko FBC believes that it is important to have ministries both FOR senior adults and BY senior adults. Our "Keenagers" enjoy both functions.


A wide variety of fellowship, social and inspirational activities are planned by and FOR the Keenagers throughout the year. These monthly events include day trips to nearby interesting sites, hamburger cookouts, ice cream socials, attendance at musical and dramatic performances, and longer trips of from two to 5 days to places farther away.


The ministry BY the Keenagers includes both assistance in meeting community needs in Anadarko and participation in mission trips. Visiting shut-ins, serving meals and sorting clothes are a few of the local ministries. Out of town mission trips in the past have been to San Antonio, Texas; Phoenix, Arizona, and the International Mission Board Learning Center in Virginia.


Yes, Anadarko FBC has a place for senior adults who choose any of the levels of activity:


Go-Goers, Slo-Goers, and No-Goers.


So, come join us anytime! We would love to have you right here with the FBC Keenagers!